Magical Moondays | Edition 002

Cosmic Guidance for July 24th-31st | 4 minute read

Whew, we made it. Last week was…a lot. Probably the most energetically intense week of 2023. How are you feeling?

The nodes have officially shifted to the Libra/Aries axis, the Sun has ushered in Leo season plus Venus and Chiron are now in retrograde. Basically, it’s a whole new timeline.

Are you ready to play in this cosmic consciousness or do you want to stick with the familiarity of the matrix?

It’s up to you.

Retrogrades are incredibly powerful times to assimilate information quickly and heal that emotional scar tissue. While massaging a tender point might be painful at first, it allows a rush of fresh, new energy to flood each cell.

I will be elaborating more about these cosmic energies and shifts on YouTube and Instagram this week.

The Knight of Cups is bringing us a physical, spiritual or energetic blessing right now. Are you open to receiving this gift?

I did a full Elemental reading for July 24th-31st on my YouTube channel. This message came from our Ether reading, which is for ALL of the elements, in collaboration with the Andromedan Council. The video is filled with powerful messages to guide us through the Lion’s Gate portal we are in most of August.

Check out the full Elemental reading here!

The moon is in her crescent phase exactly half way between new and full. What a beautiful energy.

You may also be in that void space of birthing something new and releasing outdated frequencies. What did you learn from Cancer season? Let those emotions wash through and give yourself the grace of compassion. Creating from this place will yield infinite blessings.

Don’t forget to allow space to process what gets kicked up and then continue on your path. It might help to journal so you can prepare a release ritual under the Aquarius Full Moon on August 1st.

It’s a transformative week leading up to this Super Full Moon. I will be holding a free Full Moon ceremony with my soul sister Licia at 6pm PT/9pm ET to offer support diving deeper into these shifts.

Leo season is asking us to shine and take up the MANE stage! But what about when showing our light fully has brought us harm in the past?

Leo is about children and also the masculine. Can you recall a moment where you were embodying your true essence as a child and were shamed or told to dim your light? Do you have any pain around masculinity, even your own Father, stifling your power and creativity? Has there been a past lifetime where being in your full magic brought suffering and pain?

I know I have and honestly… I don’t think I would be able to stop typing once I began to share. There’s medicine to unpack there, too. But I keep reminding myself that we no longer have to learn through suffering. The 7/7/7 portal is still wide open and helping us elevate and transcend the pain around taking up space. So turn your light all the way up and GLOW!

It’s safe for you to shine and share your gifts.

The world needs you.

Breath work has been my go-to healing tool this past week. I especially have been enjoying Lion’s Breath (Simha Pranayama) which gives amazing benefits opening up your throat chakra, gifting mental clarity and filling every cell with that bold, primal sense of courage. You should try it!

  • Sit in a comfortable seated pose.

  • Keep your hands on the knees or thighs, with fingers spread apart, and lean forward slightly.

  • Inhale deeply through the nose.

  • Exhale forcefully with your mouth wide open. Stick your tongue out and stretch it towards the chin. Don’t worry about how you look!

  • Your exhale should make a “haaa” sound. Have it come deep from your throat and abdomen.

  • Close your mouth and breath normally from your nostrils. Then exhale.

I like to repeat this process 7 times. When you’re finished, close your mouth and breathe deeply. Channel that inner lion/lionness and let out a ROAR

If you’ve been following me the last month, you have seen me talk a lot about the benefits of thyme. Well, here I go again, because Thyme = Time

When we study the doctrine of signatures, the cosmic blueprint of healing through the plant kingdom, thyme almost identically resembles the alveoli in our lungs. I have a video on my Instagram breaking this down more.

Connecting to the fire in our breath is much more potent when we have already cleared out old, stuck energy. As the construct of time is shifting and Leo’s fiery urgency (with our friend Virgo hollering around the corner) is reminding us to take action, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and shut down. Thyme is a beautiful herb to connect with your soul guidance. Remember,

You are right on time.

Steep for 20 minutes to extract the medicinal properties. I like to make a tea kettle full and sip throughout the day. Bonus points if you sip while looking at a clock. Face that fear and stare right into the clock’s face. I’m serious!

Dragonflies, Butterflies, Fireflies, Bees… Summertime magic is happening in the animal kingdom. As these beautiful beings flicker past you, imagine a golden, cosmic stream of energy tickling your aura. Let the inner child come out to play (we are in Leo season after all) and bust out a huge belly laugh! When you’re laughing, imagine that same golden stream swirling around these magical creatures and into the ether.

Nature loves when each inhale and exhale is mindful and intentionally exchanged. Even science knows that we breathe in conjunction with the elementals of our planet, so why not infuse this collaboration with magic?

As I do this exercise, visions and memories of my childhood come flooding back. The joyful, carefree ones. The ones where I was running around barefoot making potions with grass and watching dragons in the clouds.

What a blessing to connect with her essence through the frequency of these magical creatures. Highly, highly recommend.

I pray you found this week’s cosmic guidance supportive. Catch me on YouTube and Instagram for more messages and I will see you next Moonday!
